Alanas Jakubauskas

Software Engineer with 3+ years of professional experience in full-stack development and AWS-certified, first class honour computer science graduate. Specialising in but not limited to; React.js frontend and AWS serverless development with TypeScript and Python as languages of choice.

Personal Projects

The current site looked at; this site/domain exists as a testbed for any web application experiments. This site is written completely serverless as CDK infrastructure utilising React.js and Astro, maintaining iterative development ease.

This site hosts my frontend development learning and experimentation work under This page includes looking into networking such as utilising websockets to provide real-time multi-user experiences and exercises learning 3D rendering and math used accross the computer graphics domain.

AWS On-Demand Gameserver Hosting

A CDK stack for provisioning EC2 instances for gameserver hosting. Which automatically shut down when idle and are reactivated by lambda; providing lambda-like compute costs.

This is integrated into with the repository available on GitHub.

Desktop Student Organiser

CloudScholar, a three-tier application built as a part of my college disseration project.

Featuring an Electron.js-based Desktop client; with a Node.js backend interfacing to a Postgres DB; utilising AWS infrastructure to host the stack.

Ocean Sailing Simulation

A Sea of Thieves knock-off that built as my first experience with Unity.

It features a procedurally generated infinite world with Sea of Thieves-like sailing controls and floatation physics.

More Projects

Barcode/QR Code Wallet (Java/Android SDK)

An android app project, building a simple local storage barcode/QR code wallet.


Linux Socket Progamming (C/Linux)

A client CLI / server software pair for file transferral over TCP/IP written in C.


Geo Dataset Analysis (Python/GeoPandas)

A simple python notebook geo-data excercise rating Irish universities based on service proximity utilising Failte Ireland data.


AWS VPC Configuration Excercise (AWS)

An excercise setting up subnets and autoscaling with EC2 instances, my earliest exposure to AWS.

And more minor projects on GitHub...